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Did You Know...
Creating a Killer Brand will change your business and your life? Knowing how to focus, align and link your logo, website and all of your marketing materials to your customer, which will allow your brand to be synonymous with the product or service in the market place - compelling consumers to think only of your brand when a need arises. (Read More)
Make Heads Turn

Every Website is unique (you've seen 'em!) so it's difficult to put a definitive price on any one aspect of a site.  Some items take 5 seconds to create, others can take 5 days depending on the complexity.  Therefore, these prices should only be used as a guide for base pricing created from what our customers typically want.  Each business is different - and the cost of the website depends on the bells and whistles.  Vertigo Graphic can take you cruising in a Pinto or a Rolls Royce - the choice is yours and you're in the driver's seat!
Base Rate - Includes connecting to your Web Hosting Account, Home Page creation and all the administrative tasks in website creation and publishing. $399
Additional Web Pages - Each Web Page after the Home Page. $79
Flash Gallery - Addition of a single Flash Photo Album or Gallery. $89
Shopping Cart (PayPal) - Addition of a PayPal Shopping Cart. $399
(<100 Items)
Shopping Cart (Not PayPal) - Addition of a Non-PayPal Shopping Cart. Varies based on Merchant
Email Form - Addition of a single email form. $29
Extensive Graphic Services - Any of your crazy-fun designs that will be time-eaters. $75 / hour
Fabulous Customer Service FREE!
An Amazing Website for your Business PRICELESS!
Check-Out our Website Porfolio.  We don't like to brag (too much), but there's some awesome stuff in there!
Driving Traffic to Your Site!

Driving Traffic to Your Website!
See the Video.
The Website Design Process!

The Website Design Process
See the Video.
Getting Started on Your Site!

See the Video.
Search Engines!  We'll submit your website to the top Search Engines including Google, Yahoo and Bing. This basically gives the engines a "heads-up" that your website is out there and ready to be discovered. They add your site to their list, and will send their spiders to crawl around your site. This can take some time, but we'll get you moving in the right direction.

Local Business Listings!  We'll help you list your business with Yahoo, Google and MSN's local listings so when someone searches for your business locally, you'll have a better chance of rising to the top.

Marketing Materials!  Ensure every item you put in your customer's hands points them to your website! We can help you design business cards, flyers, brochures and signs to get them in the right direction! Check out our Marketing / Print Material Page to see how we can help!

Socialize!  Creating an html email campaign and a Facebook Fan Page are the hottest ways for you to personally connect with your potential customers. Check out our Socialize Page to see how we can help you promote your business and new website!
The Rest of the Story!  Once the Home Page is completed, it will be used as a guide for the remaining pages of your website. Each step of the way, your graphic artist will post your web pages for you to review and approve. Depending on the amount of content on the rest of your site, the remaining pages are typically completely rather quickly since we've already tackled the overall design with the Home Page.

Buttoning-Up the Site!  Once all of your pages have been completed, the Vertigo Graphic team will link all of your pages together for navigation and thoroughly test your site to ensure it works as it should.

Testing, Testing, Testing!  We'll post your completed site and thoroughly test it to ensure it works as it should.  The more, the merrier!  We encourage you to get involved and also ask other members of your company, friends and / or family to get involved as well.  More than anything, we want to ensure your company has a successful launch!
Get Talking!  When you contact Vertigo Graphic, we want to hear all about your business. The more you can tell us, the more we can do to build an amazing website for your company.

Domain Name and Web Hosting!  If you already have a Domain and Web Hosting, we'll need to be able to access your account to post your website. If you haven't established a Domain and Web Hosting, no sweat!  We can help you establish an account that works great for your business!

The Home Page!  Like your logo is the foundation for your brand, the Home Page is the foundation for your website. Using the information you've given us for your website, we'll work to build the stunning home page! We'll deliver the mock-up to you via email for your review, usually within three business days. From there, we'll work together to revise the look until we have the website you feel your customers will respond to. Remember, it's all about turning your customer's heads and staying competitive in your marketplace!
Go Surfing!  Surf the web to identify types of websites that you really like (format, structure, functions, colors, etc). Don't forget your competitor's sites to see what you'll need to do to compete.

Outline!  Draft a quick outline of the pages your website will need. Common pages include "Home", "About Us" and "Contact Us". Your business will determine any additional pages needed (menus, products, services, etc.).

Text!  Draft the text and information you want to include on each page. This is the part most people fear the most, but don't sweat it! You know your business better than anyone! If you're having trouble, we can help you pull together your ideas to ensure your information has maximum impact!

Make Contact!  Once you've pulled together this basic information, you'll be ready to contact Vertigo Graphic to get started! We can't WAIT to hear from you!
Vertigo Graphic Gives Back!
Web Banner
Step 4
Step 3
Step 2
Introduce your brand, products and services to the world with a website that will dazzle your target audience!  Vertigo Graphic can design a website for your business which will allow you to tell your company's story, promote your products and services and let people know where to find you!

Relax, we're here to walk you through step-by-step to help build a great website for you!

Website Design