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Creating a Killer Brand will change your business and your life? Knowing how to focus, align and link your logo, website and all of your marketing materials to your customer, which will allow your brand to be synonymous with the product or service in the market place - compelling consumers to think only of your brand when a need arises. (Read More)
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Please use the information as a guide for our pricing.  We're all about customizing a solution to meet your needs. We simply gathered the most common needs of our clients to give you a basic idea of pricing. We're always happy to customize a solution for your business!
Email Campaign - 6 Months, 1 Per Month $499
Email Campaign - 6 Months, 2 Per Month $899
Email Campaign - 12 Months, 1 Per Month $899
Email Campaign - 12 Months, 2 Per Month - BEST VALUE! $1,599
Facebook Campaign - Initial Set-Up $49
Facebook Campaign - 6 Months, 2 Posts Per Week $399
Facebook Campaign - 6 Months, 4 Posts Per Week $699
Facebook Campaign - 12 Months, 2 Posts Per Week $699
Facebook Campaign - 12 Months, 4 Posts Per Week - BEST VALUE! $1,299
Fabulous Customer Service FREE!
An Amazing Reputation for your Business PRICELESS!
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Connect with Vertigo Graphic on ! We often post client logo concepts to get real-world feedback and we need your help! 

We know you have a voice and we can't wait to hear it!  Unless you're mean...cause we're all about baking cakes filled with rainbows here!
Setting Up Your Fan Page!  Vertigo Graphic can help you establish your Facebook Fan Page. Like with your Email Campaigns, the goal is to drive traffic to your website. 

Content!  Facebook gives you the opportunity to speak with your customers and let them know your personality! This is where you can let your hair down, get interactive, let them know what you're doing and find out what they want from you. Don't underestimate the power of this marketing tool!

Sticking With It!  Impressions, Impressions, Impressions! Like television ads and billboards, first someone may notice your email campaign, but it will take a consistent approach for your Facebook posts to be truly effective. Get your fans talking and keep them talking. Visiting an abandoned Facebook Fan Page gives almost the same impression as an "Out for Lunch" sign on your door at 3 in the afternoon. We offer 6 and 12-month packages to make it easy for you to stay connected with your most loyal customers.
Your Email List!  Get the most from your existing email list with a stunning HTML Email Campaign. We can also add a sign-up area on your website to help you continue building your list! You'll be able to easily manage your email list - including management of those who choose to unsubscribe.

The Email Campaign!  Think of it as your Newsletter of sorts. The email is typically graphically-rich and acts as a mini-website with current information that supplements your website - allowing your email subscribers to read all about something interesting and then drive them to your website for more information or to contact you. Tell your subscribers about new products and services, something great about your business or community involvement, or notify them of great offers and specials! The main purpose is to inform, excite and get your users involved in your business!

Sticking With It!  Impressions, Impressions, Impressions! Like television ads and billboards, first someone may notice your email campaign, but it will take a consistent approach for your emails to be truly effective. We offer 6 and 12-month packages to make it easy for you to stay connected with your most loyal customers.
Welcome to the newest methods of marketing your business, where socializing and staying connected is so important!  Vertigo Graphic can design HTML Email Campaigns and Facebook Campaigns for your business to get targeted and dynamic communication to your clients.  While print material still has it's place in marketing, generally the rule was to keep things very generic. But with HTML Email Campaigns and Facebook Campaigns, you can target segments of your customer base to deliver exactly what they need from your business!

Socializing and Staying Connected