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Did You Know...
Creating a Killer Brand will change your business and your life? Knowing how to focus, align and link your logo, website and all of your marketing materials to your customer, which will allow your brand to be synonymous with the product or service in the market place - compelling consumers to think only of your brand when a need arises. (Read More)
Make Heads Turn
Vertigo Graphic, Inc. is an Atlanta, Georgia business focused on helping other businesses make their customers heads turn by creating an impressive foundation to their business through high-quality graphic design.

Jeremy Bright created Vertigo Graphic after overcoming the effects of Meniere’s Syndrome, a condition that affected the balance nerve in one of his ears. This caused constant and unpredictable issues with vertigo – some attacks lasting 8 hours or more making walking or even the slightest movement impossible. Forced to leave his corporate “9-5” career behind while seeking treatment, he looked deep to realize his passions, talent and happiness to form a company that would allow him to work with the people he enjoyed the most – entrepreneurs. Always a huge advocate for small businesses, Jeremy would be able to utilize his talents to help other small business owners find their success through high-quality, customized graphic design solutions. 

Vertigo Graphic prides itself by providing cost-effective solutions to budget-conscious small businesses. We feel each business we work with has its own personality and unique facets, so much so, we take the time to get to know each business inside and out so that we can provide a customized solution that will build foundations and success for that business for years to come. 

As a small business ourselves, we understand all the work and dreams it takes to build a business, and that's why we treat each project with the same passion we have for our own business. We want your project to be more than just another order. We view it as an opportunity to create a long-lasting relationship with a great company.  We want to surprise you with new ideas and our team is encouraged to work within the confines of each project and to give each customer other options through their own initiative. Outstanding, cooperative efforts usually yield the best results for you! And we don't feel that service needs to cost you any extra. We just think it's the right way for you to be treated. It's just as simple as that.

Always focused on making heads turn, we hope we’re turned your head! Contact us today to discuss your project! 
About Vertigo Graphic

Jeremy Bright