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Creating a Killer Brand will change your business and your life? Knowing how to focus, align and link your logo, website and all of your marketing materials to your customer, which will allow your brand to be synonymous with the product or service in the market place - compelling consumers to think only of your brand when a need arises. (Read More)
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See some of the great websites in our Portfolio that allowed us to contribute to an entrepreneur on Kiva!

Are you ready to get started on your website project?  Check-out our Website Design Page to get started! 

Karma is a VERY good thing - Kiva is even better!

Vertigo Graphic has always had a tremendous passion for Small Business, and when we were looking for a great way to give back to the small business community, we turned to one of the most incredible business coaches we know, Nancy Dana. Nancy is the mayor, governor and president of Nancy Dana Land, a wonderful place where you can find what you need to be happier with yourself, get more of what you want out of life, make changes that stick, and discover simple ways to be kinder to you and to the planet. Not only is she an amazing Business Coach, but Nancy introduced us to (and got us hooked on) Kiva.org.

KivaAt the completion of our website projects, we're now donating a small amount of our own profit to a fellow entrepreneur on Kiva. Kiva's mission is to connect people, through lending, for the sake of alleviating poverty. Kiva empowers individuals and businesses to lend to an entrepreneur across the globe. By combining microfinance with the internet, Kiva is creating a global community of people connected through lending. Vertigo Graphic makes no money from these loans - we simply try to help another entrepreneur have the opportunity for a successful business of their own. If the loan is repaid, we're happy to give them the opportunity to create a great business like yours and ours. We then re-distribute the money to another entrepreneur and it continues to give opportunities around the world for years to come. If it defaults, well, it was money we could afford to lose in an attempt to help a fellow entrepreneur. When possible, we try to find an entrepreneur in the same field or somehow related to the project we just completed! We're just fun like that!

Our contribution, plus the contributions from other lenders, will allow funding for these small business loans and hopefully the business owner will find success in his or her endeavor very soon! We really appreciate our client's interest in Vertigo Graphic and giving us the opportunity to help a fellow entrepreneur across the globe!

Below, you'll find the pictures and stories of some of the most recent individuals we were able to help from our great website projects! Will the profits from your website give us the opportunity to help another entrepreneur across the globe? We hope so! Let's get started on your website right away! 

Meet Carlos from Costa Rica!
Our Website Project:  Coffee Bean Website

CarlosCarlos is 23-years-old and is seeking a loan to help his farm. He wants to do several jobs on the farm so his crops will produce more. His idea is to improve and increase his production capacity and to expand his area for growing crops. Carlos has a production area with different crops like coffee. He hopes to give it adequate maintenance and to achieve better quality so he can make the most income possible at harvest time. Carlos has worked in agriculture for several years. He hopes to improve his quality of life in the future and to have more economic stability so he can keep growing as a person and a producer.

Meet Fatmah from Lebenon!
Our Website Project:  Photography Website

FatmehFatmeh is a 32-year-old married woman. After finalizing her university studies, she got married and opened a photography studio in 2008 to help her husband with the family income. During this short period, she has been able to acquire a good number of customers. In order to improve and expand her business, Fatmeh is requesting a loan of $1,200 to buy a new digital camera and additional photography supplies such as film, albums, frames, etc. to satisfy her customers' needs.

Meet Evarist from Uganda!
Our Website Project:  Commercial Real Estate Law Firm

EvaristEvarist is 39 years-old and married with one child. He is a teacher living in Fort Portal, Uganda with five dependents. The purpose of this loan is to enable him to buy land for commercial building construction.

Meet Demberelsambuu from Mongolia!
Our Website Project:  Home Decor / Design Retail Location

DemberelsambuuDemberelsambuu Luvsandorj is 58 years old and lives with his wife and three children in Baganuur, Mongolia. Demberelsambuu operates a household furniture and products trading business in a local trade center that was newly opened. He recently decided to expand his daughter's business by selling a variety of furniture, lampshades and curtains. He started this business one and half year ago and was successful in his new business within a short time. Demberelsambuu is requesting a loan to increase his product line and selection due to the upcoming holidays and celebrations in autumn.

Giving Back to Small Business