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Did You Know...
Creating a Killer Brand will change your business and your life? Knowing how to focus, align and link your logo, website and all of your marketing materials to your customer, which will allow your brand to be synonymous with the product or service in the market place - compelling consumers to think only of your brand when a need arises. (Read More)
Make Heads Turn

There are thousands of different types of Marketing and Print Materials. We've included some of our most common projects and priced them for our "typical" customer. Each design and business is very different, so this should be used as a guide for basic pricing for the design-work only. The price can vary based on the amount of complexities of your project.

Tri-Fold Brochure Design - Front & Back, Full Color $199
1-Page Flyer - One Page, Full Color $99
Postcard Design - Front & Back, Full Color $99
Business Card Design - Front & Back, Full Color $49
Stationary Design - Letterhead & Envelope Design $49
Print Advertisement - Magazine / Newspaper Print Ad $99
Posters / Banners - One Sided, Full Color $99
Restaurant Menus - Varies based on restaurant and menu type. $99 - $199
Fabulous Customer Service FREE!
An Amazing Designs for your Business PRICELESS!

Check-Out our Marketing and Print Design Portfolio.  We don't like to brag (too much), but there's some awesome stuff in there!
See Our Print Design Portfolio

Marketing / Print Design Portfolio
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Looking to communicate with your customers through a high-impact, HTML Email Campaign? You've come to the right place!

Check out our Socializing Page for details on how we can create an amazing campaign for your business!
The Marketing Material Package!  When we've completed the design for your Marketing or Print Materials, we'll finalize the files for your immediate and future use. We'll deliver the finalized files via email or on a CD if the files are too large to email.

Printers!  While we don't do any in-house printing, we do have a wonderful network of printers that we trust to bring your Marketing Materials to life! We can initiate the quote process for you and if you choose to use our printers, we put you in contact with them to work with them directly. We don't charge on top of their rates - you work directly with them without the middle man - it's just the right thing to do for budget-conscious business owners! We can coordinate the print files with them, you coordinate the payment - everything is wonderful!

If you have your own preferred printer, we're more than happy to work with them as well. We can work directly with them to supply the art files as they need them.
Get Talking!  Once you contact Vertigo Graphic, we want to learn all about your company! We want to understand your business, your products and your services so we can construct a unique and stunning design for your company that will fit your company's vision and personality.

The Design Concepts!  After discussing your business and ideas for your logo, your Graphic Designer will deliver your initial concept to you, typically within three business days for your review.

Revisions!  Together, we'll discuss the concept to determine next-steps. If you love the preliminary concept, we can fine-tune and polish the concept to complete your design. Or we can fine-tune colors, elements and make revisions based on your feedback. It's very important that you're honest with your constructive feedback during this process. We want to be sure your marketing materials are exactly what you are looking for! This isn't just another order - it's a relationship and helping you build a memorable brand is our priority.
Finalizing Your Design
Step 2 - The Process
Getting the word out about your business or special promotions is exciting and takes some finesse. Whether you're starting a new business, have an existing business, want to promote a new product or service or draw more attention to a current product or service, Vertigo Graphic can help by designing professional, exciting and eye-catching marketing materials to turn your customer's heads! Take a moment to consider how the following items can help your business grow!

Marketing / Print Materials