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Did You Know...
Creating a Killer Brand will change your business and your life? Knowing how to focus, align and link your logo, website and all of your marketing materials to your customer, which will allow your brand to be synonymous with the product or service in the market place - compelling consumers to think only of your brand when a need arises. (Read More)
Make Heads Turn

Complete Logo Design Package
6 Initial Logo Concepts
Up to 3 Revisions
10 or more Finalized Logo Files
Back-Up CD of your Logo Files
"I Know EXACTLY What I Want" Package
1 Initial Logo Concept
Up to 3 Revisions
10 or more Finalized Logo Files
Back-Up CD of your Logo Files
Extensive Graphic Services - Any of your crazy-fun, "out-of-the-norm" designs that will be time-eaters. $75 / hour
Fabulous Customer Service FREE!
An Amazing Logo for your Business PRICELESS!
Check-Out our Logo Portfolio.  We don't like to brag (too much), but there's some awesome stuff in there!
Finalizing Your Logo!

Driving Traffic to Your Website!
See the Video.
The Logo Design Process!

The Website Design Process
See the Video.
Getting Started on Your Logo!

See the Video.
The Logo Package!  When we've completed the logo of your dreams, we build your logo package for you to create and maintain your unique and memorable brand! Vertigo Graphic will provide you with a number of different files for your future use, including the original master art files (Photoshop or Illustrator) with original layers intact for any necessary future editing, several different sized JPEG files in full color and grayscale for printing, web design and use in Microsoft Office applications - all at 300 dpi (considered high definition for printing), transparent GIF and PNG files for use on in web design and a TIFF file for use in lithographic printing. WOW! That's a lot of files! We'll deliver them via email and also a CD to serve as a back-up.

Creating your logo is just the start!  Our goal is to have a good understanding of your business so we can continue to help you build your brand for years to come!  Once your logo is complete, your Vertigo Graphic, Graphic Designer will be the perfect choice for your ongoing graphic design needs!  The logo process captures many facets of your business, which gives your Graphic Designer the ability to work on future projects with a great understanding of you and your business!
Get Talking!  Once you contact Vertigo Graphic, we want to learn all about your company! We want to understand your business, your products and your services so we can construct a unique and stunning logo for your company that will fit your company's vision and personality.

The Design Concepts!  After discussing your business and ideas for your logo, your Graphic Designer will deliver your initial logo concepts to you, typically within three business days for your review.

Revisions!  Together, we'll discuss the concepts to determine next-steps. If you love a preliminary concept, we can fine-tune and polish the concept to complete your logo. If there are elements you like from the different concepts, we can merge concepts, fine-tune colors and make revisions. It's very important that you're honest with your constructive feedback during this process. We want to be sure your logo is exactly what you are looking for! This isn't just another order - it's a relationship and helping you build a memorable brand is our priority.
Know Your Customer and Market!  Identify who your primary customer is and what that customer expects from you. Is there a color or style that is "standard" or "expected" in your industry or setting?  While you may like elaborate, cartoon-style logos, it may not be fitting for a conservative, core customer base. Putting your own preferences aside, it is especially important to really understand who your customer is in this stage of your business' development.

Defining Your Company's Style!  Keep it simple - you'll thank yourself for years to come!  When conceptualizing your logo, think of some of the greatest brands of all time. Something you'll notice is how some of your favorite businesses have the simplest logos. This allows great flexibility over time through print materials, signage and branding without having to change their logo.

Getting Personal!  Did your dog inspire your roofing business? Did you love that green polka-dot-dress someone wore in your law firm? If so, we think that's great! But, be careful about how those things creep into your logo's style.  Stay focused on your industry and what your customers expect.
Step 1 - Getting Started
Step 3 - Finalizing Your Logo
Step 2 - The Process
Your logo is the face of your business and brand. Vertigo Graphic will work closely with you to design a logo that clearly communicates your brand and allows for continued recognition in your industry and community. From your storefront, to your website, to print materials such as brochures, flyers and advertisements, your logo establishes your business’ identity and credibility - turning your business from another face in the crowd to Rock-Star status!   We want to make sure we help your business get noticed!

Logo Design